Connect Connect If you are feeling called to this sacred practice, you may use the form below to connect with us. Name* First Last If you were referred by someone, please tell us who referred you.Identity VerificationPlease provide us with one or more links to verify your identity. This could be a social media profile, such as your Instagram handle, Facebook profile, LinkedIn, or another site. Although this is not required, we most likely will not respond to your inquiry without a referral or other information indicating you are a genuine seeker of this work.Can we contact you on Signal?*Yes, I will be available via SignalNo, I either don't have a smart phone or won't be available via SignalWe prefer to communicate with you via the Signal App. Signal is a free and secure messaging app that provides end-to-end encryption. If you are serious about this work, please download it to your smartphone. For information visit*Please be sure to enter the phone number associated with your Signal app so that we can find you.Email* Enter Email Confirm Email When we respond to emails, we sometimes hear that our email ends up in a Spam/Junk folder. Please take the time to check this folder before submitting a duplicate inquiry.Do you have experience with San Pedro or Peyote?*NoYesYour reason for contacting us*I would like to join a group ceremonyI am interested in scheduling a private ceremonyI am interested in organizing a group ceremonyI am interested in the annual retreat to PeruSomething elseTell us about what you are seeking or ask any questions.CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.