

If you are feeling called to this sacred practice, you may use the form below to connect with us.

  • Please provide us with one or more links to verify your identity. This could be a social media profile, such as your Instagram handle, Facebook profile, LinkedIn, or another site. Although this is not required, we most likely will not respond to your inquiry without a referral or other information indicating you are a genuine seeker of this work.
  • We prefer to communicate with you via the Signal App. Signal is a free and secure messaging app that provides end-to-end encryption. If you are serious about this work, please download it to your smartphone. For information visit
  • Please be sure to enter the phone number associated with your Signal app so that we can find you.
  • When we respond to emails, we sometimes hear that our email ends up in a Spam/Junk folder. Please take the time to check this folder before submitting a duplicate inquiry.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.